Product Info



Effective— Warms a 10′ x 12′ room with only 400 Watts…great for bedrooms.
Efficient— Uses 70% less electricity than other room heaters.
Economical— Save up to 50% or more on your total heating costs.

  • silent-flow™ – natural heating technology – NO FAN!
  • Wall-mounted electric convection space heaters that use less than 1/3 of the energy typical space heaters use. An environmentally-responsible alternative to 1,500 watt space heaters.
  • Less than 24″ square, and are mounted 3/4″ off the wall to create a convection heat channel. The air between the wall and the panel is heated and rises, drawing cool air from the floor, thus silently circulating warm air throughout the room.
  • Easy to install.
  • Can be painted to match any décor.
  • Plugs into a standard outlet.

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