
Service Info

Home Building & Home Improvement Tips

Our knowledgeable staff works with vendors to be apprised of new products and techniques that can help you complete your project more efficiently. Product knowledge combined with years of experience allows our staff to provide you with product recommendations and solutions to complete your project. From the correct tools to the best products, our staff can offer advice regarding the right product for the job and be your home solution.

Special Offers

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SKU: 74023337DESCRIPTION: 4' V TROUGH GOAT/ SHEEP FEEDERRETAIL: $209.99SALE PRICE: $199.99__SKU: 10012016DESCRIPTION: 300 Gallon Rubbermaid Water TroughRETAIL: $334.99SALE PRICE: $309.99__SKU: 74023327DESCRIPTION: 8' V...
Valid: 11/10/2024 - 12/31/2024
Offered By: S.J. Neathawk Lumber Co, Inc.