Maintaining your Hot Water Heater
Few household appliances are depended on more and thought about less than the hot water heater. For many homeowners, installing or replacing the hot water...
Few household appliances are depended on more and thought about less than the hot water heater. For many homeowners, installing or replacing the hot water...
Sanding your floor can be a moderately difficult task but also one that reinvigorates even some of the most weathered floors. Here are the 7 steps you need to...
Updating a primary bathroom can be wonderful to meet changing needs, refresh for a modern style, or improve home sale prospects. But what bathroom remodeling...
It’s easy to feel cooped up inside after a few months of winter. The holiday buzz has died down, you’ve finally finished putting away all those seasonal...
Vinyl is one the most popular flooring options available. If you’ve used it before, or experienced it in another home or office then you already know why. For...
A leaking roof can be a very stressful situation for any homeowner, no matter what the size, extent, or location of the leak. Knowing how to react to a roof...
Looking to upgrade your exterior steel door to a more energy efficient fiberglass or solid wood door? Or perhaps you want to replace the composite interior...
Wood siding, for all of its classic elegance and historical significance, can require a lot of upkeep. Beyond the usual scraping and painting, there will be...
Outdoor spaces are one of the hottest remodeling trends for 2021, but designing full-scale outdoor living rooms may be out of scope for many companies. However...
There have been many silver linings for the residential construction industry throughout the pandemic. Families relegated to their houses were driven to...
A home addition can be a great way to adapt and update your home, increase its property value, and create exciting new spaces you and your family can enjoy for...
Every homeowner wants their home to look its best, and there are plenty of easy, effective projects you can tackle over a summer weekend to spruce up your home...
You take the good with the bad. A fact of life that is all too true in relation to summer weather. While Mother Nature can spoil us with her bright sunny days...
A finished basement can be a valuable addition to home space, but it can also be an overwhelming project to transform a bare basement into a cohesive part of...
For the most part, many home improvement DIY projects can be accomplished solo. For many people, there is a lot of satisfaction and peace of mind from being...
If you’re planning to tackle a remodeling project, keep in mind that it’s an excellent opportunity to make use of all of the green options available today....
The construction industry is constantly evolving and trends can seem to come and go very quickly. When it can take months or years to plan, build and finish a...
Owning a home, means maintaining a home. In order to do so properly, there is a basic arsenal of power tools that each homeowner should have at their disposal....
Want to make a difference in your energy bill but don’t want to get involved in a huge project? A great place to make a big impact with little effort is in...
Any room can look drab and uninspiring if it hasn’t been updated in years. You don’t need to do major renovations, buy all new furniture, or completely change...
Whether you are planning a casual party, a large formal dinner, a festive gathering, or a combination of all three during the holidays, it can be helpful to...
A shortage of skilled labor continues to plague the remodeling industry. In time like these, it’s more important than ever to reach out to potential employees...
An air barrier stops air from leaking into exterior walls. That not only keeps heat from escaping, but it also prevents moisture from entering into stud, joist...
We’ve all seen it, and we’ve all done it. To mount an HVAC duct, we’ve cut through a plaster wall with a recip saw, sending plaster flying and leaving the lath...
Now that hurricane season is officially upon us, this is a good time for remodelers to think about upgrades to make existing houses more resilient. Updated...
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